World / Asia-Pacific

Officials say Madagascar victim of climate change

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-06-06 20:08

ANTANANARIVO - Madagascar felt also victim of climate change, government officials said in an exclusive interviews with Xinhua Wednesday. "Madagascar is among the countries most exposed to sea rising.

It is not palpable but the truth is that the west coast especially in Morondava and the east coasts are increasingly swallowed up by the sea," the minister of Environment Anthelme Ramparany told Xinhua.

According to the minister, Madagascar may disappear by 50 years or a century if the increase of temperature by 2 degrees Celsius per year in the world continues. Many coasts in Madagascar are already reduced by the sea, infrastructures were destroyed while sources of incomes of peoples were affected due to climate change, the General Director of Environment, Mme Ralalaharisoa Christine Edmée told Xinhua.

Climate change has also destroyed mangroves while drinking water becomes saltier and saltier in Malagasy coasts, Mme Ralalaharisoa Christine Edmée added. To solve this problem of Madagascar, the General Director of Environment, Mme Ralalaharisoa Christine Edmée said that Madagascar signed the Kyoto Protocol on climate change in 2007 to achieve Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) by promoting the use of renewable energy, waste processing, and reforestation because trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.

Also Madagascar participates to the world carbon market, which gave profits to the Country. As well as the government encouraged private sector to participate to the national program of fight against climate hange, the General Director of Environment said. According to data from the ministry of Environment, Madagascar

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