World / Europe

Luxembourg PM Xavier Bettel to meet Li Keqiang at Hamburg Summit

By FU JING in Luxemburg ( Updated: 2014-09-18 09:29

Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel said he will meet with his Chinese counterpart, Li Keqiang, at the Hamburg Summit scheduled for Oct 10-11 in Germany to discuss plans to develop a bilateral relationship.

Bettel said Wednesday that he will exchange ideas with Li to explore the interests of both sides and then he will decide when to visit China.

"This is a chance for me to find what we can do together," Bettel said at a press conference in response to a question from China Daily. The press conference was organized by the European Investment Bank.

Li will be one of the keynote speakers at the summit and attend the meeting’s closing lunch on Oct 11, and Bettel also will address the meeting, according to the summit’s organizer. European Parliament President Martin Schulz also will speak at the summit.

Bettel said he will exchange ideas with Li to explore the interests of both sides and then he will decide when to visit China.

Bettel said he is very delighted to see that taxation and political stability, as well as know-how, have attracted six of China’s leading financial institutions to invest in Luxemburg.

"What I want to say is that we want to develop our relationship beyond that," he said.

After the summit, Li is expected to then visit Italy for the Asia-Europe summit in the middle of October. But the official agenda has not yet been announced.

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