World / Asia-Pacific

DPRK warns ROK against chilling atmosphere for improving ties

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-10-13 09:45

PYONGYANG - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Sunday repeated the call for Republic of Korea(ROK)to stop reckless moves, in particular scattering anti-DPRK leaflets, which could chill the current atmosphere for improving north-south relations.

The leaflet-scattering operation "defames the dignity and social system of the DPRK," a spokesman for the DPRK delegation to the north-south high-level contact said in a statement carried by the official news agency KCNA.

On Oct. 4, the DPRK and ROK agreed to hold the second round of high-level contact between late October and early November, during a surprise visit of three high-ranking DPRK officials to ROK's Incheon city, rekindling hope that the tense relationship on the Korean Peninsula will hit a turning point.

However, a ROK's civic organization, mainly made up of "defectors" from the DPRK, on Friday flew anti-DPRK leaflets through balloons into the DPRK's territory from the western region.

Soon after that, the DPRK launched live ammunitions toward the balloons, with some falling in a civilian area in ROK's Yeoncheon County. In response, the ROK's military fired back some 40 rounds of 12.7-mm K-6 machine gun.

In the statement, Pyongyang asked ROK's authorities to stop the reckless acts of chilling "the hard-won atmosphere" for improving inter-Korean relations, properly understand the sincere efforts of the DPRK, and clarify their stance on whether they truly hope to mend the relationship.

It also warned that the DPRK army and people are ready to launch "more deadly physical strikes" if such grave provocation as leaflets distribution continues. But the choice rests with the south side, the statement added.

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