World / Middle East

China supports UN in playing due role in Palestinian-Israeli issue

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-10-31 09:10

UNITED NATIONS - China supports the UN Security Council in playing a due role in the Palestinian-Israeli issue and responding to the legitimate demand of Palestine and other Arab states, a Chinese envoy to the United Nations said here on Thursday.

Wang Min, China's deputy representative to the United Nations, made the remarks at a meeting of the Security Council on conclusion of work in October.

Noting the Palestinian issue is the focus of the Security Council's work for the month of October, Wang said China attaches great importance to the Middle East process and is deeply worried about tensions in Palestinian and Israeli situation.

He reiterated that Israel should cease immediately its settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, so as to pave the way for confidence building and the resumption of negotiation between the two sides.

"We earnestly hope that Palestinian and Israeli sides will maintain restrained and avoid expansion of conflict or escalation of tension," he said. "Dialogue and negotiation are the only way out for peace, and the two sides should demonstrate political will and resume negotiation as soon as possible."

In terms of the Council's work on the issue of Somalia, China hopes the relevant resolutions that have been adopted in October by the Security Council can be implemented completely and accurately, said the envoy.

"China will continue to push forward the practical cooperation with the Somali government and assist Somalia in achieving peace, stability and development," he added.

On the issue of South Sudan, Wang said China supports the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), which mediates between the two parties involved in the conflict, to continue to play its leading role in mediation.

"China urged the two sides to cooperate with IGAD in its mediation efforts to cease the conflict, violence and hostility, and earnestly take forward the inclusive dialogue so as to achieve (a) solution acceptable to all sides, so as to give hope to (the) Sudanese people," he said.

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