World / Asia-Pacific

China vows stronger ties with Pakistan

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-11-04 09:51

China vows stronger ties with Pakistan

Zhang Dejiang (right), chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, shakes hands with Rashad Mahmood, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee of Pakistan, Nov 3, 2014. [Photo/Xinhua] 

China vows stronger ties with Pakistan

New Afghan president heads to China 
BEIJING -- China's top legislator Zhang Dejiang met in Beijing on Monday with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee of Pakistan Rashad Mahmood, pledging stronger ties with the country.

Zhang, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), strongly condemned the suicide bombing in the eastern Pakistan city of Lahore that left at least 55 dead and 118 others injured, and extended condolences to the victims.

Calling the two countries "all-weather strategic partners," Zhang said beefing up China-Pakistan cooperation and upgrading bilateral ties are part of the consensus reached by both leaders.

He urged various departments of both countries, including legislatures and armed forces, to implement the consensus of both leaders, aid the construction of major cooperation projects, enhance trade cooperation and cultural exchanges.

Zhang also called for joint efforts to fight terrorism.

The Chinese NPC hopes to enhance friendly exchanges with the Pakistani parliament, he added.

Rashad said the Pakistan-China friendship is a cornerstone of his country's foreign policy, vowing to back China's efforts to combat evil forces such as the East Turkistan Islamic Movement.


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