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China, Kenya pledge to boost comprehensive cooperative partnership

Updated: 2014-05-11 21:30 (Xinhua)

China, Kenya pledge to boost comprehensive cooperative partnership
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, left from 2nd, arrives in Nairobi, Kenya on May 9, 2014. [Photo/Xinhua] 

NAIROBI - China and Kenya agreed on Sunday to push forward their comprehensive cooperative partnership.

The two sides applauded their longstanding friendship and expressed their satisfaction with the fruitful outcomes of the 50 years of cooperation between the two countries, which established diplomatic relations in 1963, said a joint statement released during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit.

The two sides reviewed their comprehensive cooperative partnership of equality, mutual trust, mutual benefit and win-win outcome established during President Uhuru Kenyatta's visit to China and expressed deep satisfaction with the flourishing comprehensive cooperative partnership, the statement said.

Premier Li and President Kenyatta reiterated their shared commitment to strengthen mutual trust and enhance practical cooperation, and agreed to make full use of the frameworks of cooperation, including the Joint Committee on Trade, Investment, Economic and Technical Cooperation, to provide an ideal mechanism for constant engagement at all levels and push forward the existing comprehensive cooperative partnership, the statement said.

The two leaders hailed the rapidly expanding trade, economic and development ties between the two countries, and agreed to further strengthen cooperation in trade, investment, infrastructure development, energy, finance, agriculture, aviation, space technology, information and communication and other areas of mutual interest.

China will continue to provide support to Kenya, particularly in the implementation of major flagship projects under Kenya's Vision 2030 development blueprint as well as encourage Chinese financial institutions and enterprises to invest in Kenya and facilitate greater access for Kenyan products into the Chinese market, the statement said.

The two sides expressed their readiness to further expand people-to- people and cultural exchanges, enhance cooperation in culture, education, science and technology, health, sports, media and human resource development. They also vowed to promote closer contacts between the youth, women, civil organizations and academic institutions, the statement said.

On international relations, the two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in international affairs and harmonize positions within the United Nations and other multilateral forums to jointly uphold the rights and interests of developing countries, it said.

The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to oppose terrorism and agreed to cooperate closely with each other in promoting international counter-terrorism initiatives, the statement said.

The two leaders also reiterated their shared commitment to combat poaching and illegal trade in ivory and agreed to strengthen cooperation in forestry and wildlife protection.

On Africa, President Kenyatta briefed the premier on the collective action being made by regional states and the African Union to improve the security infrastructure within the region and appreciated China's longstanding support for peace and security initiatives in Africa, the statement said.

As for China-Africa relations, the two sides appreciated the special role played by the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) and agreed to work in closer coordination to fully implement the outcomes of the 5th Ministerial Conference of the FOCAC and to facilitate the development of a strategic partnership between China and Africa.

The two leaders also witnessed the signing of 17 agreements in order to deepen cooperation in all areas of mutual interest, according to the statement.

Li is on a visit to Kenya, the last leg of his four-nation Africa tour, which has already taken him to Ethiopia, Nigeria and Angola.

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