Best time to do business, says old Africa hand

2014-05-02 09:24

Times change and so do perceptions. In 2000, the Economist magazine, in a cover story, depicted Africa as "the hopeless continent". But last year, the same magazine did another cover story on Africa, but with a different theme.

China steelmaker turns to Africa for growth

2014-05-02 09:24

When the going gets tough, Wuhan Iron and Steel gets going seems to be the refrain that is propelling the Chinese steelmaker to dig deeper in Africa for natural resources, even as it encounters rough headwinds in the domestic market.

China's presence part of the landscape

2014-05-02 09:24

It is now accepted, not least by the Chinese government, that Chinese economic growth has reached a new, lower range of somewhere between 7 percent and 8 percent. Of course, this growth rate could fall further in the years ahead.

Chinese enterprises are in for the long haul

2014-05-02 09:24

As the US gradually recovers from recession and grows economically and diplomatically again, emerging markets watch China closely and wonder how its performance will affect them.

A leader who puts people first

2014-05-02 09:24

He Shaoqiang, 60, is one of thousands of porters in Chongqing, the metropolis in Southwest China. With a rope and a bamboo stick, he can still carry 100-kilogram loads through the hilly streets of the city.

Growth for all seasons is the target

2014-05-02 09:24

At a news conference that was broadcast worldwide in March, a US journalist asked Chinese Premier Li Keqiang what he thought would be a comfortable growth rate for China.

Premier Li's Africa visit to bring bilateral ties to new high

2014-05-01 21:48

Premier Li Keqiang's upcoming visit to Africa could bring bilateral ties and cooperation to a new high, said Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Ming on Wednesday.

Premier Li's trip to further cement China-Africa ties

2014-05-01 10:39

China is due to sign agreements with African nations on petroleum, agriculture and infrastructure during Premier Li Keqiang's maiden visit to Africa since taking office.

Chinese premier to visit Africa in May

2014-04-30 13:56

Premier Li Keqiang will visit Ethiopia, Nigeria, Angola and Kenya from May 4 to 11, the first time for him to visit Africa since he takes office.

China to strengthen cooperation with Africa on health

2014-04-29 16:04

China's Vice Premier Liu Yandong delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony, saying that China plans to send 1,500 medical personnel to Africa in the next three years to perform free cataract operations.

Africans happy with Chinese investments: survey

2014-03-18 10:56

The majority of Africans are happy with Chinese massive investments in the continent. They felt that Chinese businesses were reliable and were contributing to job creation on the continent.

Being there or being square

2014-03-14 13:23

Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but if companies want to succeed in Africa, they need to be physically present in the continent, experts say

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