Innovation, cooperation highlight upgraded Sino-German partnership

Updated: 2014-10-11 15:29


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Innovation, cooperation highlight upgraded Sino-German partnership
Chinese Premier meets German leaders 
Innovation, cooperation highlight upgraded Sino-German partnership
Two government heads visit a supermarket 
China and Germany will also support each other in both technology and financing for the transformation and upgrading of energy supply, and encourage dialogue and cooperation between their governments and companies.

Underlining the significance of industrial digitization, also known as "industry 4.0," the two countries noted that enterprises shall play a leading role in promoting the process, with the two governments providing policy support.

An intergovernmental dialogue on "industry 4.0" will be established between the two partners, which have also decided to conduct more systematic and strategic cooperation with a focus on future industries including electric automobile, high-efficiency intelligent energy control, water supply and sewage treatment.

The sides agreed to seize the opportunity of China being a partner country for CeBIT 2015 in the German city of Hanover to deepen cooperation in such fields as mobile Internet, Internet of Things, cloud computing and big data.

Merkel stated that Germany supports the signing of a China-EU investment agreement as soon as possible and further expansion of China-EU cooperation.

Germany is ready to expand cooperation and develop a win-win innovative partnership with China, she said. Her country will deepen cooperation with China in trade, investment, industry, agriculture, science and technology, finance, infrastructure, culture and other areas.

The two countries should strengthen coordination on international and regional affairs, and jointly maintain and promote world peace, stability and prosperity, said Merkel.

Li urged Germany to increase high-tech exports to China, support the inauguration of feasibility studies on a China-EU free trade zone, and help ease the EU's high-tech export restrictions on China.

After the meeting, the two leaders witnessed the signing of several governmental documents and business contracts. On Friday, the two sides inked deals worth 18.1 billion U.S. dollars on trade, investment and technological cooperation.

Also on Firday, the sixth Hamburg Summit kicked off, drawing a fleet of political, economic and academic leaders to discuss key issues in China-Europe economic relations.

Over 500 participants from China and Europe gathered at the two-day summit to exchange views through 10 keynote speeches and panel discussions concerning future of bilateral trade cooperation, among others.


Li has also called on Germany and China to further open up their markets to each other and become pioneers in opening-up and innovation.

China will continue to open its doors to the outside world, providing more opportunities on the market, Li wrote in an article published Wednesday in Germany's Die Welt newspaper prior to his visit.

Casting their eyes on the future, the two countries should tap the potential of opening up to each other, he said. China will strive to lower market access thresholds, better protect intellectual property rights, and create a fair, transparent and orderly market environment for foreign companies operating in the country.

China is willing to be a partner of Germany during this process of reform, innovation and economic upgrade, Li said.

While meeting President Joachim Gauk on Friday, Li said China stands ready to draw on the valuable achievements of human civilizations, continuously deliver the dividends of reform, and score greater development on the basis of its national realities.

Those efforts, he pointed out, will create new opportunities for China to expand cooperation with other countries, including Germany.

Gauck noted that with both Germany and China committed to boosting economic development, a stronger partnership and deeper win-win cooperation between them will facilitate the endeavors of both sides and enhance harmonious coexistence and common development in the world.

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