World / Passenger Story

Malaysians pray for MH370 passengers and crew

( Updated: 2014-03-11 21:48

As rescuers have not achieved any significant breakthrough in their search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, the people of Malaysia are united in prayers for the passengers and their loved ones.

Hahfisar Nadazri, a 28-year-old Kuala Lumpur teacher, said she put up a message containing a message for the passengers at the Pavilion Shopping Mall where more than a thousand people have also left messages.

"I wrote 'come back home. We love you.'" said Nadazri. "I feel terrible for the incident. I believe they are all good people and each and everyone of them has a family. Their families must be devastated."

Malaysians pray for MH370 passengers and crew

  Special: Malaysia Airlines plane missing

Nadazri said she would like to do something to help."If anyone is taking donations or needs someone to take care of the passengers' families, I would like to help," she said.

There is also a sign near an exit at the airport which says "Pray for the MH370". Siti Aoby, 37, said she felt sorry for all the people who are affected by the incident, and that she – and her 7-year-old daughter - prayed for them in front of the sign.

Aoby also said that the news that 100 Chinese passenger were on the plane made her especially sad.

"I have been to Beijing a couple of years ago," she said. "It was beautiful and I always want to go back.”

She also said that – until there is further information - "we still have hope, and it is important to keep hope alive and pray for a miracle."

Low Keong, who was waiting for a Malaysia Airlines flight out of Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), also said that many people had prayed to express sympathy and best wishes for the missing passengers. "But while we are praying for them, we need to find out the problem or loophole that resulted in this tragedy," he said. "Finding out the problem and fixing it is the only way to avoid another tragedy and allow passengers to feel safe."

An Indian artist, Sudarshan Patnaik, has made an artwork involving a large model of a Malaysia Airlines plane and faces of passengers, and the words "Pray God Miracles Do Happen".

And Malaysian prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak tweeted "in our time of need, friendship has come in many forms. We will continue our efforts to search for #MH370.

According to - a tool measuring a hashtag's popularity---#prayForMH370# is now receiving an average of 75,000 interactions an hour.

Additionally, about 120 volunteers from various religious groups gathered at the departure hall of KLIA on Sunday to offer prayers for passengers on the missing plane. And the Malaysia Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism is planning a joint prayer ceremony.

Malaysians pray for MH370 passengers and crew
Malaysians pray for MH370 passengers and crew

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