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Chinese aircraft spots suspicious objects in MH370

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-03-24 12:24

Malaysia on Sunday received new satellite images from French authorities, showing potential debris along the southern corridor the jetliner might have taken, according to a statement from the Malaysian Ministry of Transport.

Chinese aircraft spots suspicious objects in MH370

The French satellite imagery was released a day after China said its satellite spotted a 22-meter-long and 13-meter-wide floating object in the southern Indian Ocean, about 120 km southwest of the objects Australia announced Thursday.

But the French images focus on an area about 850 km north of the current search area, which is some 2,500 km southwest of Australian port city of Perth.

Meanwhile, the US Pacific Command has ordered the Pacific Fleet to move a black box locator into the region, according to a US Navy statement released on Sunday. In the statement, the US Navy stressed that the deployment of the locator, namely the Towed Pinger Locator 25 (TPL-25), was only a "precautionary measure in case a debris field is located."

French Foreign Affairs Ministry also said on Sunday that France will mobilize further satellite means to help find the missing MH370 after its satellite images showed "floating debris" in the southern Indian Ocean.

Chinese aircraft spots suspicious objects in MH370

A Chinese Air Force Ilyushin Il-76 aircraft is pictured at the RAAF base Pearce in Bullsbrook near Perth, March 23, 2014. [Photo/Agencies] 

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