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Celebrities chime in on MH370 drama

( Updated: 2014-03-26 16:42

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From singer-actor Chen Kun to well-known writer Yu Zheng, Chinese stars of all stripes are lashing out at Malaysia for its alleged mishandling of missing airliner.

A number of big-name Chinese entertainment stars have taken to social media to voice their anger and frustration towards the Malaysian government over its alleged mishandling of the lost Malaysia Airlines flight 370 and its 239 passengers and crew.

Chen Kun, famous Chinese actor and singer, lashed out on Sina Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, saying he would boycott all commodities and tourism related to Malaysia unless the government came forward. Chen's post had reportedly been reposted more than 70,000 times.

Celebrities chime in on MH370 drama
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Zhang Ziyi, well-known Chinese actress, condemned the Malaysian government for hurting the feelings of the whole world.

"Malaysian government, you are wrong not to take the due responsibility for the international community. You are wrong not to revere life. You are wrong not to respect the universal quest for truth," said Zhang on her Sina Weibo.

Wang Feng, Zhang's musician boyfriend, forwarded Zhang's posting to express his outrage towards the Malaysian government.

Some celebrities called for the Malaysian government to give concrete evidence as to why the plane "ended in the southern Indian Ocean", as Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Monday.

"What Chinese people wanted was the truth of the missing plane instead of a pointless press conference," said Hong Kong-born actor Deric Wan on his Weibo.

"Sadness and fury linger in my heart. What were the Malaysia Airlines and the government hiding? What happened on the plane before the hijackers drove the plane to the southern Indian Ocean? The whole world wouldn't tolerate the Malaysian government if it held back the truth," Yang Lan, the well-known Chinese TV personality said on her Weibo.

Other celebrities called on the public to help the relatives of the victims. Yu Zheng, a well-known screenwriter, said the Chinese people need to stand together to confront the tragedy and help those in need.

Some foreign stars also chimed in on the incident. Gary Tsao, a Malaysian singer, posted on his Weibo that, together with Chinese people, he would ask the Malaysian government to provide some answer and speak the truth.

Still, not everyone on the Internet was convinced. One Sina Weibo commentator lashed out at Chen for his remarks, reminding him that an entertainment star should be cautious of his words.

Chen replied to the netizen by emphasizing that besides his status as a star, he was also a Chinese citizen. Hao Lei, the Chinese actress, forwarded Chen's comment to show her support.


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