World / Photos

Air crashes worldwide in recent years

[2014-03-08 20:32]

Photos: Air crashes worldwide in recent years

Ships and aircraft join search for missing plane

[2014-03-10 10:27]

Many countries send warships and aircraft for the search of the missing Malaysian airliner.

Chinese government task force leaves for Malaysia

[2014-03-10 09:46]

A government task force of 13 is leaving for Malaysia to work on the case of missing Malaysia Airline flight MH370, March 10, 2014.

Backgrounder: Top 10 safest airlines in the world

[2014-03-10 07:59]

Travel + Leisure, a monthly publication from American Express Publishing Corp, decided to find out which airlines are the safest of all by taking a Bowl Championship Series.

Missing jet may have disintegrated - source

[2014-03-10 08:40]

Interpol confirms at least two passengers used stolen passports as a Vietnamese patrol boat reports the sighting of possible plane wreckage.

Chinese vessels search for missing flight

[2014-03-10 22:12]

Two rescue vessels sent by the Ministry of Transport (MOT) will conduct parallel search works for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight, said command authorities on Monday.

Possible clue in missing plane mystery

[2014-03-10 01:20]

Vietnamese patrol boat discovers floating objects that may be wreckage from the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane missing since early Saturday. Live report since Saturday

Vietnamese airforce search trace of missing MH370

[2014-03-10 17:01]

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is an "unprecedented aviation mystery", a senior official said on Monday.

Chinese ships rush to join search

[2014-03-09 22:44]

Two PLA Navy battleships, the amphibious landing vessel "Jinggangshan" and the frigate "Mianyang," are soon to take part in ongoing operations in South China Sea.

Tired of waiting for missing Malaysia plane

[2014-03-09 21:04]

Tired of waiting at Lido Hotel in Beijing, the friends and relatives issued a joint statement on Sunday afternoon calling for Malaysian Airlines to make public all the facts about the case before 17:00, March 9, 2014.

Chinese rescuers on way to salvage mission

[2014-03-09 11:17]

An emergency response team sent by the Ministry of Transport set out early Sunday morning from south China's Sanya Port in Hainan Province to sea area where missing Malaysia Airline flight MH 370 may have crashed.

Malaysian Airlines asks relatives to prepare passport

[2014-03-09 10:20]

Malaysian Airlines asks the relatives of the plane passengers to prepare their passport and identity card.