World / Investigation

Officials study plane debris found off Madagascar for links to missing MH370

[2015-07-30 07:52]

Oceanographers said currents could have deposited wreckage of MH370 thousands of kilometres from where the plane is thought to have crashed.

More suspected debris washed up on La Reunion coast

[2015-08-04 21:52]

A piece of plastic debris was found Tuesday in the northern coast of French overseas Island La Reunion, where a wreckage suspected to be part of the missing MH370 was washed up last Wednesday.

Australia's search area for MH370 could be narrowed following Reunion debris discovery

[2015-08-04 11:02]

The government body coordinating Australia's search efforts for missing jetliner MH370 has said new evidence could narrow down the search area for the wreckage.

Malaysian, French investigators meet to coordinate probe on suspected MH370 wreckage

[2015-08-04 10:35]

Investigators from France and Malaysia met Monday afternoon in the Palais de Justice to coordinate the investigation on the place wreckage found last Wednesday on Reunion Island, which may belong to the Boeing 777 plane of the missing MH370 flight.

'Major breakthrough' may help solve riddle

[2015-08-07 07:52]

Malaysian authorities have announced that recently discovered debris is from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, kindling hopes that the mystery surrounding the plane's disappearance may finally be solved.

Passengers' families want more answers

[2015-08-07 06:53]

About 20 relatives march to Malaysia Airlines’ and Boeing’s office in Beijing to demand more details about the investigation into the missing plane.

Chinese FM calls for continued MH370 search

[2015-08-06 14:05]

The Chinese government expresses grief and sorrow for those on board, and extends profound sympathy and condolences to their families.

Missing MH370: Debris, agonizing wait and breakthrough

[2015-08-06 09:31]

Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak confirmed early Thursday that a Boeing 777 wing segment discovered in the Indian Ocean island of Reunion is from the missing Flight MH370, the first real breakthrough in the search for the plane that disappeared 17 months ago.

Malaysian ships ready for continuous search operations for MH370 in winter

[2015-07-16 13:38]

Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tionglai said Thursday in a statement that the ships have undergone winterization to reflect operational needs in the winter for the search of MH370.

MH370 search moves into new phase

[2015-04-15 16:59]

Search efforts for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is to move to the next stage, Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said.

China vows to help passengers' families

[2015-03-09 07:39]

China promised that the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 will not end, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Sunday during the ongoing annual parliamentary session.

MH370 report: Underwater locator beacon battery had expired

[2015-03-08 16:41]

The first comprehensive report into the mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 reveals that battery of an underwater locator beacon had expired more than a year before the plane vanished.