World / Asia-Pacific

Full text of joint communique of Russian, Indian, Chinese FMs' meeting

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-02-03 10:02

15. The Ministers discussed the developments of the Israel-Palestine conflict. They stressed that its further deterioration may have a negative impact on the prospects of both the Peace Process and Middle East affairs on the whole. They urged Israel and Palestine to exercise restraint and take effective measures to avoid further escalation of tensions. The Ministers supported the resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict based on the relevant United Nations resolutions, the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative, with the purpose of establishing a sovereign, independent, viable and united State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living within secure and recognized borders, side by side, at peace with Israel. They appealed to the international community, particularly the Middle East Quartet, to continue its efforts aimed at achieving this end. The Ministers supported the UN Security Council in playing its due role in solving the Israel-Palestine conflict. The Ministers urged international community to provide continued assistance and support for alleviation of humanitarian situation in Palestine.

16. The Ministers discussed the latest developments in Syria. They reiterated that there is no military solution to the Syrian crisis and urged all parties to abjure violence and resume peace negotiations based on "Geneva Communique" of June 2012. The Ministers called on the Syrian government and opposition factions to resume the Geneva process as soon as possible, stick to the approach of political settlement and draw on the useful experience of others to find a "middle way" that conforms to Syria's national conditions and accommodates the interests of all parties, and start the national reconciliation process at an early date. The Ministers supported the mediation efforts by the UN Secretary-General and his special envoy to secure "incremental freeze zones" and to allow humanitarian aid to civilians. They highly valued the efforts by Russia to convene the first meeting of inter-Syrian consultations between representatives of the Syrian Government and opposition groups in January 2015. The Ministers welcomed the important achievements made in the elimination of Syria's chemical weapons, and complimented the Organizations for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in its efforts towards elimination and destruction of chemical weapons in Syria. They expressed support for the efforts of the Syrian Government to combat terrorism. They called on all parties in Syria to implement relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, and fully cooperate with the United Nations and relevant international organizations in their humanitarian efforts. They called on the international community to abide by the guiding principles of the United Nations on humanitarian assistance.

17. The Ministers expressed deep concern over the ongoing turmoil in Iraq and its spillover effects, and emphasized their respect for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq, and their support for the efforts of the Iraqi government to uphold domestic stability and combat terrorism. They hoped that all parties in Iraq enhance unity and reconciliation so as to swiftly restore national stability and social order. The Ministers urged all parties concerned to refrain from interference, which could further aggravate the situation. They called on all parties to support the Iraqi government and people in their efforts to build a stable, inclusive and united Iraq taking into account the interests of all segments of the Iraqi society. The Ministers urged the international community to provide continued assistance and humanitarian support for Iraqi refugees and internally displaced people.

18. The Ministers expressed deep concern about the current crisis in Ukraine, and called on all parties in the inter-Ukraine conflict to exercise restraint and fully implement the Minsk Protocol, engage in comprehensive dialogue and pursue a peaceful resolution of the crisis through political negotiations. The Ministers stressed that an independent, objective, fair and transparent international investigation should be carried out for the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, and parties concerned should engage in cooperation within the framework of Resolution 2166 of the UN Security Council.

19. The Ministers expressed their support for improved global economic governance to ensure sound and stable growth of the world economy. They called for immediate reform of the international financial system to increase the voice and representation of emerging markets and developing countries, with a focus on the implementation of the 2010 IMF Quota and Governance Reform by the end of this year. They stressed the need for international financial institutions to provide more resources to promote development. The Ministers reiterated their commitments to enhancing cooperation within the framework of G20, and called on all G20 members to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, reject protectionism as well as all forms of unilateral measures of economic pressure taken without relevant decisions of the UN Security Council, safeguard the multilateral trading system centered around the WTO, build an open world economy, and play an important role in global economic governance. Russia and India welcome and support the efforts of China to host the 2016 G20 Summit. The Ministers reiterate their readiness to contribute to its successful results.

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