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Bomb kills 10 at bus station in northeast Nigeria's Potiskum

Agencies | Updated: 2015-02-24 20:37

DAMATURU, Nigeria - A bomb exploded at a crowded bus station in the northeast Nigerian town of Potiskum on Tuesday, killing at least 10 people in the second attack there since the weekend.

A security source confirmed the blast and a source at the nearest hospital said 10 bodies had so far been brought in.

It was the second attack on Potiskum since Sunday, when a young girl with explosives strapped to her killed five people and wounded dozens at a security checkpoint outside a market.

No one claimed responsibility for Tuesday's bombing, which bore the hallmarks of Islamist militant group Boko Haram.

The insurgents have suffered a string of defeats in a military offensive by Nigeria and neighbours Cameroon, Niger and Chad. Often when they are under pressure, they respond by attacking civilians.

Nigerian forces backed by air strikes seized the northeastern border town of Baga from Boko Haram on Saturday, the military said, but failure to protect civilians is a major criticism of President Goodluck Jonathan's administration ahead of an election scheduled for March 28.

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