World / Middle East

China calls for all parties to push forward Iran nuclear talks

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-03-25 10:05

BEIJING - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Tuesday that all parties involved in the Iran nuclear issue should grasp the current opportunities to strike a comprehensive deal.

The remarks of the Chinese foreign minister were made during a telephone call with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad-Javad Zarif, which was mainly focused on exchanging opinions on the Iran nuclear issue.

The talks on Iran's nuclear issue have entered a crucial final stage like the finish sprint of a marathon, Wang said, adding that striking a deal is an irresistible trend, which serves the common and long-term interests of all parties involved, including Iran. ' China, Wang said, expects that all parties could seize the current opportunities, bring positive factors into play, and move forward in the same direction so as to make a political decision.

Meanwhile, he said that China will continue to play a constructive role in the process of the negotiations.

For his part, Zarif updated the recent development and difficulties in the Iran nuclear talks.

He hailed Beijing's positive role in the talks, expressing that Iran is ready to work with China and other parties to strive for pushing forward the Iran nuclear negotiations.

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