World / US and Canada

US, Cuba meet over human rights issues

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-04-01 10:17

WASHINGTON - The United States and Cuba met here on Tuesday over human rights issues, with both sides voicing readiness to cover "a wide range of topics" in following " substantive" talks.

The State Department described the atmosphere of the meeting as "professional," saying US and Cuban diplomatic delegations discussed the "methodology, topics and structure" of a future human rights dialogue.

"There was broad agreement on the way forward for a future substantive dialogue, the timing and location of which will be determined through diplomatic channels," the agency said in a statement.

"Each side raised concerns about human rights issues, and both sides expressed willingness to discuss a wide range of topics in future substantive talks," the department added.

Human rights remain one of the most delicate issues as Washington and Havana are seeking a normalized relationship. The two sides have held three rounds of talks since January over restoring diplomatic relations and reopening embassies.

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