World / Asia-Pacific

Nine drug traffickers await mass execution in Indonesia

(Agencies) Updated: 2015-04-28 17:30

"Save our boys"

Filipino boxing superstar Manny Pacquiao, who is in the United States for a title fight, made a televised appeal to Widodo on behalf of his countrywoman, Veloso: "I am begging and knocking on your kind heart that your excellency will grant executive clemency to her."

Dozens of protesters, mostly Philippine and Indonesian migrant workers, gathered at the Indonesian Consulate in Hong Kong on Tuesday to protest against the imminent execution of Veloso, who maintains she was an unwitting mule for the heroin that was found in the lining of her suitcase.

A group of Australian celebrities, including Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush, made a video titled "Save our boys, Mr. Abbott", urging Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to dash to Jakarta on a mercy mission for Sukumaran and Chan.

Indonesia has harsh punishments for drug crimes and resumed executions in 2013 after a five-year gap. Six have been executed so far this year.

This round of simultaneous executions have been delayed for weeks due to a series of last-minute legal challenges. The Constitutional Court on Monday agreed to hear a final challenge by the Australian pair, but the government said the executions would not be delayed any longer.

"Something we want to revise now are the legal reviews because these reviews have no time limit," Prasetyo said. "We will recommend a time limit. There will be legal certainty."

Widodo's steadfastness on the executions, which has strong public support at home, stands in contrast to a series of policy flip-flops since he took office six months ago. Palace insiders and government officials portray him as sometimes out of his depth and struggling to get around entrenched vested interests.

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