World / Asia-Pacific

No human trafficking camps left in Thai south

(Agencies) Updated: 2015-05-25 15:39

No human trafficking camps left in Thai south

Roshida, a 25-year-old widow who was released from a human trafficking ship, is seen at a refugee camp outside Sittwe, Myanmar May 20, 2015. [Photo/Agencies]

"We're still looking for camps but we think there are no more camps on the Thai side."

Thai police found seven human trafficking camps on Khao Kaew, which translates as 'Glass Mountain', in Sadao district in Songkhla Province, since May 1.

Many of the camps were just a few hundred meters from the border with Malaysia.

Southern Thailand and northern Malaysia have been a major route for smugglers and traffickers bringing people to Southeast Asia by boat from Myanmar and Bangladesh. Many say they are fleeing persecution and looking for better lives abroad.

Phuttichart said Thai police were ready to help Malaysia with their investigation.

"Thailand is ready to help Malaysia if Malaysia asks for our help," said Phuttichart. "But Malaysia has not yet asked for special assistance from us."

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