World / Europe

British foreign secretary in Beijing to prepare for President Xi's visit

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-08-14 11:37

As Britain contemplates its EU membership, it is paying more attention to markets outside the bloc. To this end it is offering more open and flexible policies than other EU members. Britain has become the second largest trade partner for China and the top destination for Chinese investment within the EU.

"Britain has pinned high hopes on China for trade. Its robust economic partnership with China has helped the British economy perform well and has boosted the cabinet's confidence," Cui said.

Yang called on Britain to take a more active and open China policy while Hammond said Britain was committed to enhancing trade and investment and cultural exchanges.

Britain is willing to explore cooperation with China under the Belt and Road Initiative, Hammond said, referring to President Xi's proposal to build stronger economic and cultural links with countries located along the ancient Silk Road via both land and sea.

Britain was the first country outside Asia to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the multilateral development body that will finance infrastructure building in Asia. This has been regarded as a major step for implementing the Belt and Road Initiative.

With 57 founding members, the AIIB is expected to be formally established by the end of 2015.

Praising China-Britain cooperation in reaching a landmark agreement on Iranian nuclear issue on July 14, Hammond called on the two permanent members of the UN Security Council to work more closely in international affairs in the future.

As this year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War II and the founding of the United Nations, China is willing to work with international community including Britain to safeguard the outcome of the World War II victory and uphold the principles of the UN Charter, according to Yang.

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