World / Europe

British MPs reject assisted dying bill

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-09-11 23:02

British MPs reject assisted dying bill

Pro "assisted dying" campaigners protest outside the Houses of Parliament in central London, Britain September 11, 2015.[Photo/Agencies]

LONDON - Members of Parliament rejected on Friday a bill that could allow terminally ill people to end their lives.

Results of the first House of Commons vote on assisted dying for 20 years showed on Friday that 330 MPs voted against the bill, with 118 MPs in favour.

According to previous proposals, a terminally ill person, who has been diagnosed with no more than six months to live, could request to end his live with medical supervision, local media reported.

British MPs held passionate debate about the bill, while protesters also gathered outside the House of Parliament to demonstrate whether they are for or against the bill on Friday. Protesters raised banners, which read: "assist us to live not to die", "disabled people say no to assisted suicide" and "give me choice over my death".

British nurses and healthcare assistants union, Royal College of Nursing said it would insist on a position of neutrality on assisted dying.

British Medical Association, a trade union and association for doctors and medical students in Britain, said it would not support assisted dying in any form.

"The Prime Minister has made his views clear on this issue before, he is not convinced that further steps need to be taken and he is not in favour of an approach that would take us closer to euthanasia," said a spokesman of British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Assisted dying or euthanasia, is illegal in accordance with British laws. People who encourage or assist a suicide or a suicide attempt in England and Wales could be sentenced up to 14 years in prison.

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