World / Asia-Pacific

DPRK reaffirms determination to develop space program

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-09-18 22:43

PYONGYANG - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday reaffirmed its determination on the development of space programs, emphasizing satellites launch is "a legitimate independent right of a sovereign state."

The official state agency KCNA said in a commentary that space development for peaceful purposes is the legitimate right of a sovereign state recognized by international law and that it has now become a world trend to advance space technology.

"It is our sovereign right to put into space the satellite built with our indigenous efforts and technology from A to Z," the KCNA said.

The state media stressed that the country's satellite launch is a peaceful undertaking which serves the government's science and technological development plan, in a bid to grow the economy and improve people's living standards.

"Increased efforts of the hostile forces to scuttle the space program of the DPRK would only help intensify its counter-action," it warned.

On Tuesday, Pyongyang confirmed that all its nuclear facilities at Nyongbyon have been in full operation since 2013 and that it is improving both the quality and quantity of its nuclear weapons.

On Monday, the DPRK suggested it would send more satellites into space "at the times and locations determined by the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea," stirring concerns it will soon launch a long-range ballistic missile.

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