World / Asia-Pacific

Chinese ambassador urges Japan to expedite destruction of abandoned chemical weapons in China

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-10-25 09:52

UNITED NATIONS - China's Ambassador for Disarmament Affairs Fu Cong on Thursday urged Japan to expedite destruction of abandoned chemical weapons in China during World War II.

Fu made the call at the thematic discussion on chemical and biological weapons at the First Committee of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly.

During World War II, the Japanese invaders systematically developed and used biological and chemical weapons in China in blatant violation of international law, massacring Chinese people in the most inhumane manner, said Fu, noting "this has become a page of utmost barbarism and cruelty in the history of humanity."

Fu pointed out that the huge amount of Japanese Abandoned Chemical Weapons (ACWs) on Chinese soil is still posing a grave threat to people's lives and health, as well as environmental security.

"So far, Japanese ACWs have been discovered in over 90 locations in 18 provinces or municipalities. The largest burial site is located in Harbaling, Jilin province. In Harbaling alone, it is estimated that over 330,000 pieces of Japanese ACWs are buried," said Fu. "To our disappointment, to date, only around 50,000 Japanese ACW items have been retrieved safely, only 38,000 of which were destroyed."

The Chinese diplomat stressed it's a binding international obligation under the Chemical Weapon Convention for Japan to destroy chemical weapons it abandoned in China.

"It is disconcerting to note that Japan has failed to meet the deadline for the destruction of its ACWs as prescribed by the Convention, and the current pace of destruction has repeatedly fallen behind the schedule of the Destruction Plan," he said. "We urge Japan to expedite work on implementation of its obligations and decontaminate all the affected land in China as soon as possible."

The Chinese ambassador also recalled the history that during the World War II, the Japanese army established bases for biological warfare troops and waged large scale germ warfare in China.

"China stands firm in upholding the victorious outcomes of the WWII and the post-war international order, and firmly opposes any devious act aimed at denying or distorting history," said Fu. "China urges Japan to face up to the history and genuinely reflect on its war responsibilities, and take concrete steps to win the trust of the neighboring countries and the international community at large."

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