World / Middle East

No credible evidence on Iran's atomic bomb plan after 2009

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-12-03 10:40

No credible evidence on Iran's atomic bomb plan after 2009

Iran's ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Reza Najafi addresses the media after a board of governors meeting at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna March 4, 2015. [Photo/Agencies]

"Iran provided explanations in writing and related documents on past and present outstanding issues, ......, the Agency conducted safeguards activities at particular locations of interest to the Agency, including at the Parchin site," the report noted.

The report seems to give some conclusion based on the information the IAEA got and the investigations carried out, however, IAEA chief Yukiya Amano last week said that the final assessment would not deliver a "yes or no" answer to the question whether Tehran has carried out nuclear weapon plan.

One of the key issues, the suspected Parchin military site of Iran which is suspected to have carried out explosive experiment relevant to the nuclear bomb research plan, is also mentioned in the report.

IAEA said the cylinder installed in the Parchin site matched the parameters of an explosives firing chamber. However, IAEA failed to conduct effective verification as Iran undertook "extensive activities" since February 2012 at the site.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said Wednesday that all Iran's work was conducted for peaceful goal, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency report, saying the UN nuclear agency should close the book on the question of Iran's nuclear past within two weeks, he added, allowing implementation of the nuclear deal to move forward.

A Vienna based diplomat believed the report might not have great negative effect on the implementation of the Iranian nuclear deal, and the IAEA board members states are supposed to discuss the report and adopt a resolution on Dec. 15.


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