World / Davos Forum

Swiss turn eagerly to renminbi

[2015-01-22 02:43]

After ditching its euro cap, Switzerland courted the yuan with renewed vigor as it signed key financial deals with China on Wednesday.

Peaceful moments ahead of Davos Forum

[2015-01-21 21:05]

Premier Li Keqiang will interact with members of the World Economic Forum's International Business Council as the forum's annual meeting is set to start in Davos, Switzerland.

History may well repeat itself at forum

[2015-01-21 07:51]

As Europe battles the wintry gloom, a sense of uncertainty is shrouding the continent and sending a deep chill into economic forecasts.

Fast-tracking FTA 'would benefit all'

[2015-01-21 07:22]

Premier Li Keqiang and his Swiss counterpart should push for a "faster and more efficient" implementation of their free trade agreement to boost exports to China, a former Swiss official said after Switzerland abandoned efforts to cap the value of the franc against the euro.

China aims for stronger links with fragile Europe

[2015-01-21 05:13]

Premier Li Keqiang, who is in Davos to attend the World Economic Forum, seeks to forge stronger links between China and Europe.

Premier Li arrives in Switzerland for Davos forum

[2015-01-20 21:35]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrived Tuesday to attend the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos and pay a working visit to Switzerland.

China better at setting global agenda with high-profile presence

[2015-01-20 19:44]

An 80-plus-strong Chinese delegation comprising high-ranking government officials, business elites and prominent academicians is set to attend the upcoming Annual Meeting of World Economic Forum (WEF) to share "Chinese wisdom" with the world.

Premier's WEF speech to send signal of confidence to world

[2015-01-20 16:18]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang left Beijing for Davos, Switzerland, Tuesday to attend the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the first overseas trip for Chinese leaders in 2015.

Envoy: World is watching for positive signals

[2015-01-20 07:52]

Premier Li Keqiang's presence at the World Economic Forum's 45th Annual Meeting will surely strengthen the international community's confidence in China's economic outlook, Wu Hailong, ambassador to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland, told Xinhua News Agency in a recent interview.

Global elites look for big things from China

[2015-01-20 03:35]

Premier Li is expected to demonstrate active engagement in international affairs and a strong resolve for deeper economic reforms at Davos.

An even earlier bird is required at Davos

[2015-01-20 07:46]

The chance to toss a question to dozens of state leaders, as well as 2,500 leading lights in business, opinion and media, is not one to be scoffed at.

Chinese premier to boost economic confidence at Davos

[2015-01-19 20:46]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is expected to deliver a clear message of confidence in the Chinese economy at Annual Meeting 2015 of the prestigious World Economic Forum.