World / China-Peru

Chinese premier arrives in Peru for official visit

( Updated: 2015-05-23 06:27

Premier Li Keqiang arrived at Peruvian capital Lima on May 22 to start his official visit to Peru, after he wrapped up the visit to Colombia.

During the visit to Peru, the Premier will meet Peruvian President Ollanta Humala and attend a joint press conference. He will also attend a discussion with Chinese entrepreneurs as well as cultural exchange activities.

Peru is among the first Latin American countries to have established diplomatic relations and signed a package of free trade agreements with China, and Peru and China have been cherishing a friendship that goes back a long time, said Premier Li.

Practical cooperation between the two countries is being expanded and mutual benefit is being deepened, said the Premier.

The Premier said he hoped the visit will strengthen the friendship and trust between the two countries, as well as expand the production capacity cooperation between the two.

China is willing to share opportunities of development with Peru and work with it to build a better Sino-Peruvian comprehensive strategic partnership, he added.

The China-Peru trade volume reached $14.32 billion in 2014, as bilateral free trade pact has yielded fruits since it took effect in 2010. Chinese investment in Peru totaled to $14.24 billion by the end of 2014.

Peru is the third leg of Premier Li's four-nation tour to Latin America after Brazil and Colombia. He will also visit Chile.

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