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China-LatAm win-win cooperation gives lie to neocolonialism accusations

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-05-25 11:21

BEIJING - China-Latin America cooperation is based on the complementarity of their respective resources and advantages, and the fruitful results have proved that those neocolonialism charges fabricated and hyped by some Western countries are completely baseless.

Against the backdrop of a weak global economic recovery, almost all developing economies, including China and Latin American countries, are faced with challenges in maintaining economic growth.

For the two sides, to build fresh economic momentum through structural reform and to expand opening-up serve as a top priority in further improving people's livelihood.

Given that, it is natural for China and Latin America to get closer, as China boasts advanced technology, necessary equipment and sufficient production capacity -- all at reasonable prices -- which the region needs badly for its economic pursuits.

In fact, in order to walk out of difficulties, all countries around the world, either developed or developing, should seek a breakthrough and cooperate in real economy.

Therefore, China-Latin America cooperation in production capacity goes with the trend.

Take Brazil as an example. The emerging economy is in urgent need of raw materials and equipment in its industrialization process and infrastructure construction.

In this case, both sides will benefit when Chinese enterprises cooperate with their Brazilian counterparts to open plants there to boost production, build infrastructure, increase employment and upgrade local industry.

Moreover, China-Latin America cooperation in production capacity contributes to global economic recovery.

As the current world economy is going through fundamental adjustments, all economies need to push forward structural reform at home and enhance international cooperation abroad.

The production capacity cooperation, with infrastructure construction as a starting point, will bring a new growth point to the global economy and the development of all economies.

Latin America has huge development needs, a fact that necessitates more cooperation with the rest of the world. And China is glad to see other parties play a positive role in helping the region realize its dreams.

Last but not least, China never attaches political strings to its investment in Latin America, which is purely aimed at common development and prosperity.

Thus China-Latin America cooperation is rooted in the development needs of both sides and mutually beneficial in nature. Thanks to Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's ongoing visit to the region, the two sides are embracing a new era for their win-win interaction.

It is high time, therefore, for the mud-slinging to stop now.

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