World / Victory parade

Vice FM: 'Whoever comes here are all our guests'

By ZHANG YUNBI ( Updated: 2015-08-25 17:45

Vice-Foreign Minister Zhang Ming brought to mind a popular Chinese saying that "whoever comes here are all our guests" when asked about the foreign figures attending the Sept 3 V-Day commemorations.

He made the comments at a Tuesday news conference held by the State Council Information Office on the events after a reporter asked him if China is satisfied with the number and scale of the foreign guests.

The diplomat noted that this year marks the 70th anniversary of victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World's Anti-Fascist War. Events marking the anniversary "are a great event held in our home", and China has also invited the huge family of the international community to celebrate this great day together with the Chinese people.

"As for who will be dispatched by the countries, it is up to the decisions of the countries themselves. As the Chinese people say, whoever comes here are all our guests and are all welcomed," Zhang said.

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