World / Victory parade

Official dismisses 'muscle-showing' claims over V-Day events

By ZHANG YUNBI ( Updated: 2015-08-25 17:47

Vice-Foreign Minister Zhang Ming has dismissed media speculations that China is showing its military muscle and prowess to outside world by hosting the Sept 3 V-Day commemorations.

"If one persists in saying that China is showing something, it is the desire for peace and the strong will to guard peace that is to be demonstrated by the Chinese people along with the international community," Zhang said at a Tuesday news conference held by the State Council Information Office on the events.

The events - including a military parade and a grand reception - are being held to "remember history, recall the martyrs, cherish peace and open up to the future", Zhang said.

China sticks to the path of peaceful development, which is a conclusion and a strategic decision made by the Chinese people after they objectively examined the history, reality and future, Zhang noted.

"I believe that China's peaceful development will surely continue to receive widespread understanding, support and blessing by people of various countries, and we hope that countries around the world could walk on the pathway of peaceful development along with China," Zhang said.

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