World / Victory parade

Overseas Chinese mark 70th anniversary of WWII

By Cao Yin ( Updated: 2015-09-01 17:11

As the grand parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression is coming, a number of overseas Chinese also showed their excitement by holding various activities.

On Aug 1, a big concert to celebrate the anniversary, with more than 300 people from 12 choruses, was held in Los Angeles of the United States, to express the excitement and patriotism of the overseas Chinese, said Zhang Sujiu, honorary chairwoman of the Roundtable of Chinese-American Organizations on Tuesday.

"We also held another seminar and essay competition for the anniversary, inviting a few young descendants of the war veterans to express their feelings and stories about their grandparents," said Zhang. "We got more than 100 essays and made a collection for the activity."

Meanwhile, the organization also held a picture exhibition on Aug 25, hoping young people will better learn and understand history, according to her.

In addition, 151 artists, including painters, from Beijing and Shanghai, provided 206 art works for the anniversary, with the aim of letting people overseas remember difficulties of the past and wish for world peace, she added.

Florence Fang, founder of the World War II Pacific War Memorial Hall, confirmed that many overseas Chinese had made contributions to commemorating the war.

"For example, some people saved their money to donate airplanes for China, giving their support through their finances," Fang said, adding she, with other overseas Chinese will go on doing more for their ancestral land.

Zhang and Fang gave the remarks at Tuesday's press conference for the coming anniversary on Thursday.

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