World / Victory parade

Military needs to maintain 'a certain scale'

By ZHANG YUNBI ( Updated: 2015-09-03 17:50

Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun dismissed criticisms about the scale of China's military and the defense budget, saying that the armed forces need to maintain "a certain scale".

President Xi Jinping said on Thursday that China will cut the number of its troops by 300,000.

Some countries and recent media reports have once again raised questions as to the size of China's People's Liberation Army, the largest in the world.

In response, Yang said in a press conference in Beijing that some comments hyping China's alleged threat "run against the facts and are irresponsible".

The country is still undertaking demanding tasks in regard to championing national unification, securing state sovereignty and ensuring its development and interests, he said.

The PLA undertakes noncombat actions and missions such as disaster relief, international peacekeeping, search and rescue operations, and China is also faced with threats posed by regional terrorism, separatism and extremism, he added.

"Therefore, our military needs to maintain a certain scale, which is totally for defense purposes," he said, adding that China never sought nor seeks hegemony and expansion.

Yang also observed that the defense budget needs to maintain a certain scale as the overall level of China's arms and equipment "is comparatively lagging behind".

The budget also covers the welfare of the servicemen as well as expenditure for looking after those retired by the troop cut, Yang added.

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