World / War heroes

What did overseas Chinese do to assist China's war of resistance? (1109)

[2015-11-06 15:16]

At the time of the war of resistance, there were close to eight million Chinese living overseas. Driven by a deep love of their homeland, these members of the Chinese nation made major contributions to assist China's war of resistance.

Love and loss in war and peace

[2015-10-14 07:19]

During World War II, more than 100 Chinese children were educated at a boarding school 300 kilometers from Moscow. Despite the harsh conditions, many remember their school days with affection.

Honoring a hidden army in NE China during WWII

[2015-09-03 09:12]

One of the oldest surviving veterans of the communist-led guerrilla force recalls her days fighting a hit-and-run campaign.

A journey through war veterans' memories

[2015-10-07 08:30]

They not only took part in the parade, but also went to look for a piece of 'home' in the parade.

'Flying Tigers' members attend peace festival in Central China

[2015-09-05 20:18]

The fifth China Zhijiang International Peace and Culture Festival began on Saturday in Zhijiang Dong Autonomous County in Hunan Province, Central China.

Veteran foreign experts' roles honored

[2015-09-05 07:59]

Amid the celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45), China honored two veteran foreign experts for their outstanding contributions to the nation's development.

Honoring the remains of fallen heroes

[2015-09-05 02:44]

The Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology at Fudan University in Shanghai is currently on a quest to find the descendants of 347 soldiers from the Chinese expeditionary force that fought against the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II.

China deserves more recognition for its contributions in WWII: scholar

[2015-09-04 20:01]

As the world is commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory in the World Anti-Fascist War, a leading British scholar is calling for more recognition of China's contributions to the Allies' victory over Japan in World War II (WWII).

Veterans attend evening gala

[2015-09-03 21:55]

Honoring a hidden army

[2015-09-03 07:56]

One of the oldest surviving veterans of the communist-led guerrilla force recalls her days fighting a hit-and-run campaign.

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