World / Remembering the past

Healing old wounds in a medical melting pot

[2015-06-12 07:31]

Editor's Note: This is the fifth in a series of special reports about the experiences of foreigners who either lived or served in China between 1937 and 1945.

Exhibition displaying war archives opens to public

[2015-06-10 10:41]

An exhibition displaying documents taken during the anti-Japanese war in Beijing, north China's Tianjin and Hebei is opened here on Tuesday, which is the International Archives Day of 2015.

Chinese fishermen recalls heroic act in WWII

[2015-06-10 07:39]

Shen A'gui stared vacantly at the ceiling above his bed, hands fluttering weakly like broken birds on the bunched-up blankets.

Tragedy of 'comfort women'

[2015-06-09 17:29]

The "comfort women" system was established by the Japanese Imperial Army before and during World War II. Under this infamous system the Japanese government and its army abducted women from occupied countries and forced them to serve their troops as sex slaves.

The great escape

[2015-06-05 07:40]

The dramatic story of how Chinese guerillas rescued Donald Kerr, a young US pilot shot down over wartime Hong Kong, will soon be released as a movie. Zhao Xu met with Kerr's son to hear about his father's dangerous journey home.

Photos recall memories of US, China fighting together in WWII

[2015-05-29 08:55]

A book launch and a photo exhibition of the "Shared Memories of the US and China" in fighting side by side in the second World War were held on Thursday as part of the ongoing BookExpo America (BEA) 2015.

China's forgotten army

[2015-05-27 07:32]

Cao Baoming is desperate to record as many stories as possible about events in the Changbai Mountains more than 70 years ago, when the 1,300-kilometer-long range was the main theater of resistance to the Japanese occupation of China.

Tributes paid to the 'angel of peace'

[2015-05-06 08:07]

Border city honors the Chinese-Russian girl who tried to save the lives of Chinese and Russian soldiers at the end of World War II.

The most elite POW camp in the world

[2015-05-06 07:53]

Northeast China played host to some of the highest-ranked Allied officers and civilian officials during the years leading up to the end of World War II. However, none of them were there of their own volition. Instead, they were being held by the Japanese.

Memory of Flying Tigers honored

[2015-04-20 09:50]

The American Volunteer Group has legendary status in China, and the US pilots who flew as members of the Chinese air force have now been honored in the town that was their main center of operations.

Japanese surrender video debuted at China museum

[2015-04-18 21:31]

A museum in Central China's Hunan province reopened after renovation and debuted video footage documenting Japan's surrender in the province.

UK scholar tuned into China's WWII resistance

[2015-04-08 07:02]

Michael Lindsay arrived in China in 1938 intending merely to teach Keynesian economics. Instead, he was inspired to play a crucial role in the country's resistance against the invading Japanese forces.