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Zhejiang Party secretary examines preparation work of WIC

( Updated: 2015-12-08 14:49

Xia Baolong, Party secretary of Zhejiang, stressed that no efforts should be spared to prepare the Second World Internet Conference to higher standards and ensure its success as he visited Wuzhen, which will host the event in mid-December, on Nov 30.

Xia visited the security center, command center, the model of the conference permanent site, and the exhibition site of the "Light of Internet Expo", to become familiar with all aspects of the preparatory work.

Zhejiang Party secretary examines preparation work of WIC

Zhejiang Provincial Party secretary Xia Baolong visits the security center of the World Internet Conference.[Photo by Zhejiang Daily]

He praised the achievements Wuzhen has made during the past two months, especially in the city's renovation, and preparation for the conference. He hoped that in the two weeks before the opening of the conference everybody would continue to work hard for the final sprint.

He added that relevant departments should closely cooperate to provide all-out support and ensure final success.

The 2nd World Internet Conference will kick off on Dec 16 in Wuzhen, and lasting for three days until Dec 18.


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