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China's web chief explains theme of 2nd WIC

( Updated: 2015-12-09 14:52

The 2nd World Internet Conference (WIC), also known as the Wuzhen Summit, will take place from Dec 16 -18, 2015, in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. This year's conference has the theme "An Interconnected World Shared and Governed by All - Building a Community of Common Future in Cyberspace".

As host, China hopes to build a multilateral, democratic, and transparent international Internet governance system that will better benefit the whole world, according to Lu Wei, head of Cyberspace Administration of China on Wednesday.

Lu addressing a press session, said: "A peaceful, safe, stable and booming cyberspace is of great significance to peaceful development. Nobody will remain immune from this space. Global sharing entails global governance. We have to deal with problems and challenges together."

"Interconnectivity is the essence, which means the information can be accessed and shared by the entire network. The Internet has turned the world into a "global village", and cyberspace has become a new living space for mankind. International society is becoming an interconnected community with a common future."

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