World / Opinion

Ufa summit to boost BRICS co-op: top Russian legislator

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-07-05 18:45

MOSCOW - Leaders from the BRICS countries are expected to discuss long-term goals of the bloc and measures to promote cooperation at their summit in Ufa, Russia, according to Russian State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin.

Leaders of the world's five leading emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will meet to formulate future development strategies for the thriving cooperation mechanism.

"I hope that a thorough discussion of the current international situation and challenges will be conducted," Naryshkin told Xinhua in a recent interview.

Russia, which is holding the rotating presidency of the bloc this year, is dedicated to expanding the scope of cooperation among BRICS members, he said.

While noting that the emergence of the BRICS has been "an unwelcome challenge" for proponents of a unipolar world, Naryshkin said that the bloc has been getting stronger, acquiring new friends and supporters, and expanding collaboration among its members.

The existence of BRICS as a matter of fact has curbed Western ambition to dominate the world, Naryshkin said, adding that the mechanism is a model of cooperation on equal basis, which is different from the Western-style alliance.

"We do not force our views on anyone ... We encourage all members to participate in building a common future while preserving their own traditions, history and visions. This is why our common position enjoys ever-growing support," he said.

Speaking of the economic cooperation within the bloc, he said the BRICS members have got a lot of practical experience in national economic development and bilateral exchanges, and what they still need to do is to beef up multilateral cooperation, which "will benefit not only ourselves, but also the world at large."

Meanwhile, BRICS has been committed to the preservation of international institutions and their efficient work, said Naryshkin.

He also criticized Western countries for trying to secure their positions in organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, and called for serious reforms of such mechanisms to reflect the realities of global economy.

"Strengthening the role of BRICS is helpful to promote the efficiency of global financial governance," he said.

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