World / Opinion

Japan should not upset G20 Summit over South China Sea issue

( Updated: 2015-11-18 21:05

By Hou Jun, a Ph.D. candidate majoring in International Relations at Research Institute of International Relations, China Foreign Affairs University

The tenth G20 Summit, a gathering of world leaders from major economies, was held in Turkey. Participants discussed important matters such as sustainable development for the global economy.

Nonetheless, Japanese Prime Minsiter Shinzo Abe had arrived instead to spread discord at the Summit.

He spoke about the reef-building issue in the South China Sea and called for a consensus to maintain international sea order on the basis of a "Legal Ruling" principle.

Abe speculated on Beijing's marine activities in the South and East China Sea. He also spoke with Australian Prime Minister Martin Turnbull, claiming it was a major "regional significant concern."

Tokyo had insisted on putting irrelevant topics into the agenda. As a non-party state of the South China Sea, Japan's "excessive worry" is simply for its own interests.

The South China Sea issue should not become a disruptive stunt at the summit.

Speculating on South China Sea issue challenges the G20 spirit.

The G20 Summit mechanism is intended to promote discussions and research between the industrialized developed nations and the emerging markets, in order to achieve cooperation, international financial stability and sustained economic growth for the entire world.

The world economy is struggling with a significant slowdown. Accordingly, the international community must give greater attention to global governance topics.

The Turkey G20 Summit addressed major issues: world economic conditions, inclusive growth, international financial and monetary system reform, trade, energy, development and anti-corruption, to focusing on global economic development.

Following the terrorist attacks in Paris, participating leaders would hold discussions on world peace, anti-terrorism, refugees and other matters.

The South China Sea topic, however, was not addressed, while Tokyo pressed this issue at the summit.

Japan seized the opportunity to internationalize the South China Sea issue and make it more complicated, so as to exacerbate tensions in the region.

South China Sea issue has dispute settlement and dialogue mechanisms.

For a long time, Beijing has adhered to resolve differences through friendly bilateral consultations with countries concerned and through negotiations within the domain, while upholding the freedom of navigation and security in the South China Sea.

China has shown sincerity with its effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea with ASEAN countries, which promote maritime cooperation.

China continues to uphold a "South China Sea Code of Conduct" with all parties in the region.

Tokyo, however, ignored Beijing's attempts to solve the South China Sea issue, despite Japan not being a direct party to the dispute.

Abe took great pains in international forums to address the issue that is artificially increasing difficulties for a South China Sea solution. Japan publicly speculated on this problem at the G20 Summit, which appeared out of turn.

Japan's inglorious history, so unqualified to speculate on South China Sea.

The South China Sea issue has gotten increasingly complex, especially with Japan's role. Japan had encroached on the South China Sea in its history, as an aggressor.

During the Second World War, Japan invaded China's Nansha Islands. The Chinese government took the islands back after the war.

In the 1970s when Beijing and Tokyo realized a normalization of bilateral relations, Japan promised to comply with provisions of the Potsdam Declaration.

Tokyo claims to comply with international law, over territorial rights in the South China Sea, but is distorting the facts, confusing points of views in international occasions, while speculating on "China Threat" views.

Tokyo should not continue to suppress Beijing. Japan must accept the Potsdam Declaration to avoid "wading into muddy waters."

In all likelihood, Japan plans to continue speculating on the South China Sea issue in the upcoming APEC Summit in the Philippines and East Asia Summit in Malaysia.

Japan's attempts would only dilute international efforts for economic development in the region, continue to perplex the regional security situation. Theses attempts just show the world how selfishness Abe really is.

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