World / APEC meeting

APEC economic leaders call for increased international cooperation against terrorism

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-11-19 19:57

APEC economic leaders call for increased international cooperation against terrorism

Chinese President Xi Jinping (5th L Front) poses for a group photo before attending the 23rd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Manila, the Philippines, Nov. 19, 2015.[Photo/Xinhua]

MANILA -- Economic leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) called here Thursday for increased international cooperation and solidarity in fighting against terrorism, according to a joint declaration released after their meeting.

"Under the shadow cast by the terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut, and against Russian aircraft over the Sinai, and elsewhere, we strongly condemn all acts, methods, and practices of terrorism in all their forms and manifestations," said the declaration.

On Thursday, Chinese President Xi Jinping strongly condemned the Islamic State (IS) group for killing a Chinese national and expressed his deep sympathy to the victim's family.

Xi made the remarks on the sidelines of the APEC meeting and said that "terrorism is the common enemy of human beings," adding that China firmly opposes terrorism of all forms and will resolutely crack down on any terrorist crime that challenges the bottom line of human civilization.

Addressing at APEC CEO summit on Wednesday, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev also called here for joint, coordinated and true concreted actions against terrorism since his country and France just experienced deadly terror attacks recently.

The Russian prime minister said that terror attacks in Paris and a Russian passenger flight over the Sinai Peninsula have an impact over the world, adding the terrorism spreading is a "truly global challenge" which is against the whole civilized world.

"We will not allow terrorism to threaten the fundamental values that underpin our free and open economies. Economic growth, prosperity, and opportunity are among the most powerful tools to address the root causes of terrorism and radicalization," said the declaration, urging increased international cooperation and solidarity in the fight against terrorism.

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