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Xi offers Chinese solutions for global growth, Asia-Pacific development at G20, APEC summits

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-11-20 19:26

Highlighting China's role in Asia-Pacific cooperation

Addressing the APEC CEO summit in Manila, Xi called upon APEC economies to press ahead with reform and innovation, build an open economy, implement the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, and promote connectivity.

The series of important viewpoints Xi tabled at the APEC meeting have charted the course for growth of the Asia-Pacific economy, said Wang, stressing that China has always been a participant, driver and leader in regional cooperation.

Wang listed a number of Chinese contributions, including launching the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific process, formulating and earnestly implementing a connectivity blueprint, helping other countries with infrastructure development, and dovetailing its own development strategy with those of others.

China, he said, will uphold the concept of win-win cooperation Xi has raised and make new contributions to Asia-Pacific cooperation and APEC's capacity building.

Showcasing China's confidence in economic development

As China's influence on the world economy grows, the international community is paying high attention to China's economic policy, Wang said.

Xi expounded China's current economic situation and future development trend both in Antalya and in Manila, and his remarks have boosted the world's understanding of and confidence in China, noted the minister.

During the two summits, Xi also elaborated China's development blueprint for the next five years, saying China will adhere to a path of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development.

All sides agree that China is resolute in reform and opening-up, said Wang, adding that the world's second-largest economy will enjoy higher quality of growth and better future of development after going through adjustment, which heralds new and greater opportunities for the world.

"Against the backdrop of economic globalization, China and the outside world are highly interdependent, sharing weal and woe," said the Chinese foreign minister.

"The stronger China grows, the more secure the peace of the Asia-Pacific region and the world will be; the steadier the Chinese economy runs, the more promising regional and global prosperity will become," Wang added.

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