World / Political Ties

Xi's Britain tour to have big impact on China-EU ties

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-10-22 15:10


This year marks the beginning of the second decade of the China-Britain comprehensive strategic partnership and the 40th anniversary of China-EU diplomatic ties.

"Both China-UK relationship and China-EU relationship face important opportunities to build on past success for new progress," said Xi in his written interview with Reuters.

According to the Chinese president, since Britain is an important member of the EU, China-Britain relationship and China-EU relationship reinforce each other.

"The Britain-China relationship, if it is not within the China-EU relationship, will be less important. Britain will be a less important player, if it is not within the EU," said Islam.

China and the EU have scored fruitful progress in cooperation since the two sides forged ties 40 years ago, and their leaders have worked out a good roadmap for the future, which is based on pragmatic cooperation in areas that the two sides have mutual benefit, such as China's Belt and Road Initiative and EU's (Jean-Claude) Juncker investment plan, she said.

"And we are really looking forward to getting to know more about China's 13th five-year plan, and what business opportunities that we open up," she said.

"But the potential for China-EU cooperation is immense, not just in business and economic cooperation, but also on global stage," said Islam.

China will be the chair of G20 next year, and will be in charge of G20 agenda of sustainable development, green development and global governance, so there is massive potential for discussion between China and the EU for cooperation and dialogue on global issues, according to Islam.

"There has been good cooperation so far over Iran," said Islam. "We are hoping to get similar dialogue going on the DPRK (the Democratic People's Republic of Korea), and we need to settle the havoc in Syria. China is a so indispensable player economically, but increasingly also strategically and politically."

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