World / Political Ties

UK hailed for closer relations with China

[2015-10-20 07:16]

The United Kingdom is right in its bold new approach to developing closer ties with China, according to Niall Ferguson, professor of history at Harvard University.

Time ripe to rev China-Britain ties to higher gear

[2015-10-19 19:58]

Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to Britain on the threshold of the second decade of China-Britain comprehensive strategic partnership has ushered in a "golden time" for bilateral relations, offering the two countries an opportunity to rev their ties into higher gear.

Chinese president leaves for visit to Britain

[2015-10-19 16:28]

Chinese President Xi Jinping left Beijing Monday afternoon for a state visit to Britain at the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II.

Full text of Reuters' Q&A with Chinese President Xi Jinping

[2015-10-19 09:10]

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in Britain on Monday for a state visit at the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II, the first state visit to the United Kingdom by a Chinese leader since 2005.

Moments, meetings and milestones

[2015-10-19 08:57]

China and Britain have regularly played host to each other's leaders and dignitaries. Following are the key exchanges.

Visit to set course for ties, says Xi

[2015-10-19 08:56]

President Xi Jinping says his state visit to the United Kingdom this week will chart the course for future bilateral ties.

Highlights of President Xi Jinping's written interview with Reuters

[2015-10-19 08:56]

Sino-British relationship

London spares no effort to welcome its Chinese guest

[2015-10-19 08:56]

National flags, red lanterns and iconic black London cabs displaying pictures of China are ready to welcome the first state visit to the United Kingdom by a Chinese president in 10 years.

Visit to set course for ties, says Xi

[2015-10-19 07:04]

Beijing and London are poised to sign agreements worth billions of pounds during President Xi Jingping's state visit to the United Kingdom.

London spares no effort to welcome its Chinese guest

[2015-10-19 07:04]

National flags, red lanterns and iconic black London cabs displaying pictures of China are ready to welcome the first state visit to the United Kingdom by a Chinese president in 10 years.

Tony Blair says Britain intends to be 'best western partner' of China

[2015-10-18 11:24]

Britain intends to become the best western partner of China and is helping build the relationship between China and the West as a whole, Britain's former Prime Minister Tony Blair has said.

Xi's state visit to herald golden age for Britain-China ties: academic

[2015-10-18 08:54]

Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to Britain next week could herald the start of a golden age in the Britain-China ties, a British academic on international affairs said Saturday.