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Chinese FM's speech on Xi's upcoming visit to US


Updated: 2015-09-16 23:22:37


China and the US are two permanent members of the UN Security Council and the world's biggest and second biggest economies. The direction of China-US relations not only concerns the vital interests of the two peoples, but also bears on the future of the Asia-Pacific and the whole world. Therefore, many countries will follow the visit closely, hoping to understand more about China's development orientation in the future and get clues for reasonable expectation for China-US relations. They will be looking for signals on whether the two countries are competing or cooperating, and whether they will live together in peace or get stuck in friction or even confrontation.

President Xi will bring a clear message to the government and people of the United States and to people of the world. That is, China, a big country in the East with a 5000-year-old civilization, will continue to follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, its independent foreign policy of peace and the win-win strategy of opening-up. What China stands for is peaceful development, not hegemony; greater democracy in international relations, not power politics; win-win cooperation, not zero-sum game; and a right approach to interests and principles, not a pursuit for selfish interests. Following its comprehensive four-pronged strategic agenda, China is committed to continuing reform and opening-up, improving rule of law and fostering a more mature market. This will certainly open up broader prospects for cooperation with the United States and the rest of the world.

American leaders have emphasized many times that they welcome a strong, prosperous and stable China which plays a bigger role in international and regional affairs. We hope the US will match this important statement with concrete actions and follow it earnestly in its interactions with China. We hope people could hold such expectations that whatever changes at home, both sides will stay on the track of building a new model of major country relationship; whatever problems that may crop up in the relationship, both sides will respect each other, enhance trust and reduce misgivings and seek common ground while removing differences to maintain healthy and steady growth of the bilateral relationship; and whatever issues and challenges the international community might confront, the two sides will strengthen cooperation to safeguard world peace and promote development of mankind.

Diplomatic Envoys,

Dear Friends,

This year is the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war and the founding of the United Nations, and will also witness the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda. Seventy years ago, the founding of the UN opened a new page in the history of international relations. Peace and development of mankind has since made profound progress, though daunting challenges still exist. During this visit, President Xi will join leaders of other countries at the UN Headquarters to renew the spirit of the UN Charter and galvanize the synergy of the "united nations" into action to further promote peace and development of mankind.

China was directly involved in the historical process of the founding of the UN and was the first country to sign on the UN Charter. China has worked actively for the settlement of major hot-spot issues in the world. It has sent a total of over 30,000 military personnel, police and civilian personnel to UN peacekeeping missions, which makes it the largest contributor of peacekeepers among the permanent members of the Security Council. Some young Chinese laid down their lives for peacekeeping. Having lifted 500 million people out of poverty, it is among the first countries to attain the development goals set by the UN. China is also the top performer in attaining the Millennium Development Goals.

President Xi's visit to the UN will focus on peace and development and the building of a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation. At the high-level UN events, he will, on behalf of China, put forward initiatives to contribute to the advancement of the welfare of the "peoples of the United Nations".

China will join other countries in exploring new visions for international relations. The world has changed so much since the UN was founded 70 years ago. Today, it is necessary to think about what kind of international relations can better reflect the spirit of the UN Charter and adapt to the needs of the current international community.

At the end of last year, President Xi put forward the vision of building a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation. This vision means, first and foremost, to carry forward the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and is also an innovation beyond traditional international relations and a source of inspiration to the international community. During this visit, President Xi will give a comprehensive elaboration about this new vision for the first time at the UN Headquarters. He will also outline, in a systemic way, the path towards a community of shared future for mankind, thus offering new ideas and visions for the development of international relations.