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Xi offers ways to build new model of major-country relationship with US


Updated: 2015-09-23 22:09:03



The president pledged that China will coordinate its efforts to promote the rule of law in governance and administration, put the building of the country, the government and society on the solid basis of the rule of law, build greater trust in the judicial system and ensure that human rights are respected and effectively upheld.

China is a staunch defender of cyber security and also a victim of hacking, Xi said.

"The Chinese government will not, in whatever form, engage in commercial theft or encourage or support such attempts by anyone," he said, noting both commercial cyber theft and hacking against government networks are crimes that must be punished in accordance with law and relevant international treaties.

"The international community should, on the basis of mutual respect and mutual trust, work together to build a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyber space," he said.

"China is ready to set up a high-level joint dialogue mechanism with the United States on fighting cyber crime," he added.

In addition, he said that China recognizes the positive role played by foreign non-profit organizations (NPO).

So long as their activities are beneficial to the Chinese people, China will not restrict or prohibit their operations but will protect their operations through legislation and protect their legitimate rights and interests.

"On their part, foreign NPOs in China need to obey Chinese law and carry out activities in accordance with law," he added.

The president said China will continue fighting corruption but this has nothing to do with power struggle.

"It's nothing like what you see in (the popular American political TV drama) House of Cards," Xi said, triggering a burst of laugh among the audience.

He said that China is ready to cooperate closely with international community in fighting corruption and tracking down fugitives.

"The Chinese people look to the US for support and coordination so that corrupt elements will be denied an overseas 'safe haven'," he noted.


Xi said China has always pursued a defense policy that is defensive in nature and a military strategy featuring active defense.

"No matter how developed it could become, China will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion," he told the audience.

China is ready to work with other countries to build a new type of international relations with win-win cooperation at its core, Xi said.

China has been a participant, builder and contributor of the existing international system, and China stand firmly for the international order and system that is based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, he said.

A great number of countries, especially developing countries, want to see a more just and equitable international system, but it does not mean they want to unravel the entire system or start all over again. Rather, what they want is to reform and improve the system to keep up with the times, he said.

China's "Belt and Road" initiative, the establishment of the Silk Road Fund, and its proposal to set up the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank are all aimed at helping the common development of all countries rather than seeking some kind of spheres of political influence, Xi stressed.

"China has benefited from the international community in development, and China in turn has made its contribution to global development," the president added.

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