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Sail into future with mutual benefit and win-win: Lu Wei


Updated: 2015-09-24 10:43:59


Sail into future with mutual benefit and win-win: Lu Wei

Chinese President Xi Jinping (2nd L) and Lu Wei(3rd L), Minister of the State Council's Cyberspace Administration of China meet with representatives from the Internet industries in both China and US during the forum on Spet 23. [Photo by Lao Jiang/Provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Keynote speech at the eighth China-US Internet Industry Forum by Lu Wei, Minister of the State Council's Cyberspace Administration of China

Seattle,September 23, 2015

Honorable Deputy Secretary of Commerce Bruce Andrews,

Honorable Mr Shen Xiangyang and Mr Wu Hequan,

Distinguished representatives from the Internet industry in both China and US,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,

Good morning! On the occasion of Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to the US, industry leaders from the Internet circle in both China and the US are gathered here in Seattle, jointly holding the US-China Internet Industry Forum and discussing cyberspace cooperation and development. On behalf of Cyber Administration of China, I would like to extend warm congratulations to the opening of the forum and sincere gratitude to the hosts of the forum - Microsoft and Internet Society of China.

President Xi Jinping has stressed on many occasions that the essence of China-US relationship is mutual benefit and win-win. Chinese government will unswervingly implement the basic national policy of opening-up by adopting a more active opening-up strategy, unswervingly improving the level of the open economy, unswervingly bring in foreign investment and foreign technology and unswervingly improve the system and mechanism of opening-up. These four "unswervingly" not only demonstrate an open and inclusive mind to embrace the world, but also further enhance the confidence in mutual benefit and win-win of the Internet industry in both China and the US.

President Xi Jinping's visit to the US is one for enhancing trust and dispelling suspicion, one for opening-up and cooperation and also one for promoting mutual benefit and win-win. President Xi Jinping gave an interview to The Wall Street Journal the day before yesterday and then made an important speech at last night's reception banquet. Mutual benefit and win-win was the essence on both occasions. When talking about cyberspace problems between China and the US, President Xi stressed that we should promote a new model of major-country relationship between China and the US as a new starting point, increase trust and reduce suspicion; China is a firm defender of cyberspace security and China and the US should jointly address shared concerns in cyberspace security and combat the culprits of cyberspace crimes; China equally and fairly treats all market players, including foreign companies, and respect and protect the legitimate interests of foreign companies. These important statements by President Xi clearly explain China's principled position and Internet administration advocacy and display the confidence and determination of a responsible country to maintain cyberspace security and deepen open cooperation.

Fundamentally, China-US Internet Forum is for unswerving promoting mutual benefit and win-win. My hotel in Seattle is close to the port. Standing at my hotel room window and looking out at the distant pier, a panoramic view of prosperity unfolds in front of me, which reminds me that China's cargo ship "Liu Linhai" went across the Pacific Ocean and arrived at Seattle 30 years ago. It's the first ever Chinese cargo ship to reach the US since the opening-up and reform drive, opening a new chapter of mutual benefit and win-win between the two countries.

As early as 2,500 years ago in the Spring and Autumn period, there was also a story about ships, namely two people sharing a boat. It goes like this: One day two people went out to sea on one boat and they couldn't stop blaming or quarreling with each other when sailing in the vast sea as waves tumbled constantly amid strong winds and numerous dangerous reefs lay ahead. All of a sudden a storm came and the waves grew more intense the boat was seconds away from capsizing if they didn't lower the sail immediately. However, it was impossible for either of them to lower the sail alone. Faced with shared challenge, they went from confrontation to cooperation and together successfully lowered the sail. The bumpy boat finally sailed smoothly again and the two not only arrived ashore safely but also became friends in need.

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