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China Films get boost in DC

By REN QI in Washington (China Daily USA)

Updated: 2015-09-25 15:11:27


The newly opened 2015 China Film Week in Washington is an example of the deep cooperation between China and the USA, and it will boost cultural exchange between the two countries, according to Zhang Hongsen, director general of the film bureau at the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China.

China Film Week was held by the administration in conjunction with the Motion Picture Association of America from Sept 24 to 28. More than five new Chinese films are to be screened in the US.

Zhang said that as Sino-US relations grow deeper, the two countries have had enhanced exchange in the film industry.

"Today the Chinese film industry is grown rapidly, and the market for Chinese film may reach $6 billion this year," said Zhang. "Our next new task is to figure out how to deepen cooperation with the US film industry, now that the cooperation mechanism has been established and some joint projects between Chinese and American film companies are already underway."

"China Film Week itself shows the fine cultural cooperation of the two countries," said La Peikang, chairman of the board of China Film Company. "Despite it being very difficult for Chinese films to break into the US market, we are confident that Chinese filmmakers can make it."