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Xi eyes on trust at Blair House

By WU JIAO in Washington and ZHANG YUNBI in Beijing (chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2015-09-25 17:35:29


Xi eyes on trust at Blair House

US President Barack Obama, left, chats with Chinese President Xi Jinping as they walk from the West Wing of the White House to a private dinner across the street at Blair House, in Washington, September 24, 2015. [Photo/Agencies]

Over the initiatives proposed by China, including those regarding "the Belt and Road" and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Xi said such initiatives are all "open, transparent and inclusive".

The initiatives "facilitate economic development, employment and poverty allevation of the relevant countries, and the various parties, including the US, are welcome to proactively participate", Xi said.

As for China's role in the global context, Xi said China is a participant, a builder, a contributor to the existing international system, and also a beneficiary of it.

"Reforming and perfecting the existing international system does not necessarily mean establishing one more (system) instead, but making it head even closer to fairness and reasonability," Xi said.

In a response, Obama said the US welcomes China's peaceful rise, and the two countries have successfully cooperated over climate change and the jointly tackled the Ebola outbreak in Africa.

As the world is being multi-polarized, emerging countries such as China deserve a greater say and representation within the international system, and the US expects China to play a greater role in the world, Obama said.