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Chinese president says US visit fruitful, sending positive signal for cooperation


Updated: 2015-09-26 19:09:11


WASHINGTON - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday described his first state visit to the United States as "fruitful," saying it sent a positive signal that the two countries will strengthen cooperation and jointly cope with challenges.

Xi made the remarks while addressing a welcoming luncheon hosted by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry at the State Department.

Xi said he and U.S. President Barack Obama are determined to build a new model of major-country relationship, adding that his visit, guided by the consensus, achieved fruitful results with new, important progress in such areas as investment, people-to-people exchanges, climate change, and coordination and cooperation in multilateral affairs.

"I believe that as long as our two sides join hands and make unremitting efforts, we will continue to open up new phases for China-U.S. ties and better benefit peoples of the two countries and the world as a whole," he noted.

He said this year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War, as well as the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.

China and the United States fought the Fascist invasion shoulder by shoulder and safeguarded human peace, freedom and justice seven decades ago, Xi said, adding that the Chinese people will never forget the valuable assistance provided by the American people.

China-U.S. relations have moved forward continuously in general over the past 70 years despite twists and turns, bringing a lot of benefits for people of the two countries and the world, he said.

Xi called on the two countries to strengthen mutual strategic trust, realize peaceful coexistence, and expand cooperation, so as to better benefit the two peoples and the international community.

Biden said the two presidents had candid and in-depth discussions on many occasions in the last two days, adding that both sides reached broad consensus on strengthening mutual trust, promoting cooperation in various fields, and properly managing their differences.

He reaffirmed his country's stance that China's peaceful development will have a positive influence on the world.

The United States and China share broad common interests, and there is no problem that cannot be resolved although there are indeed some problems between the two countries, he said.

The two countries are facing competition, but it is a healthy one. Biden said, noting that the two sides could learn from each other and realize common development.

Kerry spoke highly of the cooperation conducted by the United States and China in dealing with global issues such as climate change.

He said the United States and China, with a quarter of the global population and one third of the world's economic aggregate, will make greater achievements in cooperation than other countries.

The two countries will overcome their differences and achieve more results in cooperation as long as they speak frankly and sincerely and seek common ground while reserving differences, he added.

Xi arrived in Washington on Thursday afternoon, the second stop of his state visit to the United States. The two presidents held talks on Friday morning after Obama held a grand welcoming ceremony at the South Lawn of the White House.

The Chinese president arrived in New York on Friday evening for a series of summits and meetings marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations.