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Xi says China will boost cooperation with Sierra Leone, Nigeria

By WU JIAO at the United Nations and HEZI JIANG in New York (China Daily USA)

Updated: 2015-09-28 10:45:15


Chinese President Xi Jinping met with the presidents of Sierra Leone and Nigeria on Sunday at the United Nations, and said China would strengthen cooperation with both countries in several areas, including trade, investment and infrastructure construction.

In his meeting with Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma, Xi said China is working on a plan to help rebuild the economies of Sierra Leone and the two other West African countries hit by the Ebola virus epidemic, Liberia and Guinea.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed. That defines the friendship of China and Sierra Leone," said Xi.

China and Sierra Leone established diplomatic relations 44 years ago, and both presidents agreed that the two countries have built a stronger bond through fighting the Ebola epidemic.

When the Ebola virus broke out, China provided over $121 million in aid for the three West African countries. For the first time, China sent systemic medical corps overseas, and set up a mobile bio-laboratory and an infectious disease medical center in Sierra Leone.

Koroma thanked China for its help in fighting the epidemic, and said Sierra Leone will always maintain and develop its relationship with China by cooperating on development, health and infrastructure, and establishing closer communications on multilateral issues.

Xi said China will help Sierra Leone to enhance and protect the health of its people by supporting the establishment of a disease prevention and control system and research center, and expand the Chinese medical help in Sierra Leone. China also is working with Sierra Leone on setting up an industrial system, expanding technical training, and speeding up infrastructure construction.

Xi said China is interested in expanding fishery cooperation with Sierra Leone and helping the country to establish a food-safety inspection system, as well as develop rice planting, crop storing, fishing and fish processing.

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