World / China-Vietnam

Xi's Vietnam visit to join hands for better tomorrow

( Updated: 2015-11-07 17:39

The two parties have reviewed the development process of their relations. They agree the China-Vietnamese friendship had been fostered of by the older presidents - Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh - as an invaluable common wealth for the peoples of the two countries.

Both should maintain the friendship. Implement the "long-term stability, facing the future, good-neighborly friendship and all-round cooperation" approach, and "good neighbors, good friends" spirit.

Grasp the correct direction of China-Vietnamese friendship, strengthen strategic communications, enhance mutual political trust, promote cooperation in various fields on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. Manage their differences to promote the healthy development of a comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership.

Both China and Vietnam are in an important period of economic and social development. Both sides regard each other's development as their own development opportunities.

The two sides agreed to coordinate their roles on the steering committee for bilateral cooperation to promote cooperation in five areas. While strengthening cooperation in the fields of politics, foreign affairs, defense and security, a bilateral pragmatic cooperation in the economic and trade fields will be upgraded.

Promote the docking of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the "two corridors and one economic ring" concept, strengthen cooperation in the fields of building materials, auxiliary industry, equipment manufacturing, electric power and renewable energy.

Set up working groups and negotiate cross-border economic cooperation in Chinese construction of Long Jiang and Anyang Industrial Park in Vietnam. Guide enterprises of the two countries, implement Chinese enterprises contracted for construction of steel, fertilizer and other cooperative projects.

To make good use of the China-Vietnamese bilateral economic and trade committee mechanism. To study a renewal of the five-year development plan for China-Vietnamese economic and trade cooperation.

Accelerate a revision of the Agreement on China-Vietnam Border Trade, boost bilateral trade balance, stability and sustainable development, working towards a 2017 bilateral trade target of US$100 billion.

Strengthen cooperation under the framework of Memorandum of Cooperation in the Field of Trade and Agricultural Products. Encourage enterprises of both sides to expand the trade of agricultural products, welcome discussions on relevant departments and local governments of the two countries to establish trade promotion agencies.

To make good use of working groups of infrastructure cooperation and financial and monetary cooperation, promote cooperation progress in relevant fields.

Implement the Hanoi light rail Line 2 (Giling-Hedong) project, developing the Old Street-Hanoi-Haiphong standard rail route planning. Promote the interconnections of Yun Tun-Mong Cai Highway and other infrastructure.

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