World / Middle East

Chinese, Saudi leaders hold talks over phone on ties, international issues

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-01-10 17:14

BEIJING - Chinese President Xi Jinping and Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud held talks over phone on April 17,2015, discussing major issues of common concern, including the China-Saudi Arabia relations and the situation in Yemen.

Xi said that the rapidly-developing relationship between China and Saudi Arabia has become one of the important bilateral ties in their respective external relations.

Within the context of the complicated and ever-changing current international and regional situations, it is necessary for the two countries to deepen cooperation in all fields, Xi said.

The Chinese president said that he is willing to keep regular communication with the Saudi king to keep promoting the level of relations between the two countries.

Salman said that the Saudi government and he himself both attach great importance to the development of relations between Saudi Arabia and China, and are willing to further promote the strategic cooperation between the two countries to lift bilateral relations to new level.

"I am willing to conduct in-depth exchange of opinions with President Xi Jinping on promoting development of Saudi Arabia-China relations and other issues of common concern," the Saudi king said.

Xi stressed that the situation in Yemen concerns security and stability in the Middle East, especially the Gulf region, and that the process of political settlement of the Yemeni issue should be quickened.

He expressed the hope that all parties concerned will practically implement the relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, the relevant initiatives of the Gulf Cooperation Council, etc, to restore stability and the normal and legitimate order in Yemen as soon as possible.

China is willing to keep close communication and coordination with all parties concerned to jointly push for appropriate solution of the Yemeni issue at an early date.

Salman briefed Xi on Saudi Arabia's points of view on the current situation in Yemen, saying that Saudi Arabia is willing to work together with all the parties concerned to push for swift implementation of the relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions, in striving for restoration of peace and stability in Yemen as soon as possible.

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